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Broken (Nick #1) Page 12

  I nodded. I had to start feeling better about myself, in general. I needed a dose of happiness before going to Nick’s loft. After the life I led, going to a Tribeca loft in a limo was a surreal experience, and I really was lucky for getting to do this.

  We soon arrived at his loft. Nick was standing in the cold, waiting for us in a trench coat, scarf and hat. Jack looked out the window at him, then back at me. “He looks really hot, Scotty. You weren’t exaggerating.”

  Charlie opened the door for us, and we got out. Nick came forth to shake Jack’s hand. “Jack, Nick,” he said, introducing himself. Then he looked at me. My heart started doing a little dance again, and, momentarily, Portia’s cruelty was forgotten. “Scotty,” he said, and put his arm around me. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You too, Nick,” I said, glancing at Jack. He was giving a look like hubba hubba. He nodded, his eyes wide. Jack obviously found Nick as beautiful as everybody else in the world seemed to. Including Portia.

  And, at that, we made our way into his building.

  Chapter 23


  I was waiting for Scotty and Jack to arrive, and I was ever so slightly nervous. I knew that something happened with Scotty and Portia, but I didn’t know what. And I didn’t know how to deal with that situation, because I wanted to make sure that Scotty’s position was secure. I did get Scotty taken off of Portia’s service, but that was tricky. The partners didn’t know about Portia and me. So, they really didn’t quite understand why it was a problem having Scotty handling some of Portia’s projects, and I had to make something up.

  “Portia is more of a pragmatist and business-oriented. Scotty’s more of a right-brained type. She would do better sticking to the designers like myself and Robert and Ted,” I said to

  George, referring to some of the other senior design partners at the firm.

  “But Nick,” George said, “She needs to work for everyone, so that she gets to know us all. Why would you want to take that away from her?”

  Think fast, Nick. Time to possibly throw Portia under the bus. “Actually, I’m just concerned. Portia sometimes sees other women as competition, as opposed to being nurturing for them. Scotty is a rare talent, and I don’t want her to feel beat down.”

  George looked thoughtful at that. “Come to think of it, Portia doesn’t get along with the other women at this firm. Only the men.” He looked at me. “Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt. There are plenty of other interns to do her bidding. I understand that you’re looking out for Scotty. She’s lucky to have someone like you in her corner.”

  And, just like that, Scotty was off Portia’s service.

  I was looking forward to telling her about that this evening. Hell, I was looking forward to seeing her. Dying to see her, in fact. The last time I was dying to see a woman was…..I couldn’t remember when. Maybe never. Scotty had touched my heart like no woman ever had. Even Iris.

  So, I made sure that the dinner was special. I didn’t cook, of course, but I hired a gourmet chef to come in and prepare wild salmon, baby artichokes, wild rice risotto and a winter squash puree. Dessert would be a chocolate crumble parfait. I made sure that my bar was stocked completely with everything that anybody would want. I got a white table cloth and lit candles. I even built a fire in the fireplace. A vintage bottle of wine was corked and ready.

  I really wanted to impress her and her friend, like I never had wanted to impress anybody.

  I waited for Charlie to call me from the limo to let me know that they were five minutes away, and I went down to meet them.

  She arrived with her friend, Jack. I shook his hand, and he greeted me, and I inwardly sighed with relief. Jack is obviously gay, so not a threat. I showed them up to my loft, and Jack was obviously impressed. Scotty was, too, but she had already been here, so it didn’t impress her nearly as much.

  “Nick,” Jack squealed. “This artwork is amazing. Where did you get these?”

  “Various auctions,” I said. “Some came from Sotheby’s auctions, some from Bonhams, others from Phillips and still others from Christies.”

  Jack looked at Scotty, and I heard him whisper “You never told me he was this wealthy.” Scotty shot him a look back, and motioned to me, embarrassed. I smiled. Scotty amused me.

  “So, you’re like a collector?” Jack asked. “How much is your collection worth?”

  “Jack,” Scotty said, and gave him a look like she was saying you’re being rude.

  “It’s okay, Scotty. Uh, my art collection is worth around $750 million in all. I have other art work in my house on Lake Como, and some are on loan to various art museums around the world. Mainly photography in the Lake Como house - Ansel Adams, Dianne Arbus, people like that, but I do have a few Warhols and even a Pollock.”

  At that, Jack just mouthed the word “wow” to Scotty.

  “Lake Como? So, you’re like neighbors with George Clooney and people like that?” Jack asked.

  “I suppose,” I said, not telling them that I had actually met the guy a few times. Nice guy, really.

  “And, what, Gwyneth Paltrow and Meryl Streep are your neighbors here?”

  I nodded. I was feeling uncomfortable discussing my wealth, because I could see, on Scotty’s face that she wasn’t liking it. “Well, have a seat. I can make you any kind of drink you like,” I said, going behind the bar. Then I smiled at Scotty. “The tables are turned, huh, Scotty? I’m going to be the bartender tonight.”

  She smiled. I could tell that she was feeling more at ease now the focus was shifting away from my wealth. “Yes, I guess it is at that.”

  “So, what can I get you?” I asked her. “Martini, scotch, mojito?”

  “Uh, I’d like, uh, a seven and seven,” she said. “Jack, what do you want?”

  “A Cosmo,” he said.

  I smiled and made their drinks, and served them with some cocktail napkins. “Let me check with Adrien, the chef for the night, and see where the food is. In the meantime, I have some apple slices and brie, and some gnocchi.”

  “Thank you,” she said, as I went in to the kitchen to check on how the food was coming. At the same time, I peeked out to see how they were doing. They were sitting on the couch, sipping their drinks and munching on some snacks. Their body language showed me that they were feeling more comfortable, so that made me happy.

  The food was almost ready, so I asked Adrien to bring everything out, and he promised he would in five minutes time.

  “So,” I said, “the food’s almost ready, so why don’t you guys join me here in the dining room?”

  We all sat down around the dining room table. Adrien brought out the food, and we started eating. Scotty again looked like she wanted to attack her food, but she restrained herself. As she looked down at her plate, I just stared at her, mesmerized. She was so beguiling for me, so intriguing.

  It was then that I realized that I was in love with this girl, like I had never been in love with anybody ever before.

  And, more importantly, I realized that I had finally allowed myself to fall in love.

  I only hoped that she felt the same way about me.

  But, tonight wasn’t necessarily about Scotty. It was about Jack. I had to befriend him so that I could talk to him about Scotty. About the best way to win her heart. Because, at that moment, I had no idea how to do it.

  No clue.

  “So, Jack,” I said. “Scotty tells me that you’re involved in the theater.”

  Jack rolled his eyes. “If you could call it that. I’ve gone on about a million auditions, and nothing yet.”

  “Well, I have a few connections to some Broadway producers. Would you like-“

  “Oh, god yes. Yes. If you could pull some strings, I would love you forever.” Jack was evidently getting a little bit drunk. “Hell, I think I could marry you even if you don’t help me out. You’re beautiful, and so nice. So kind to Scotty.”

  I smiled. Things were going well, so far, in my next step of Operation Scotty.r />
  Scotty was kicking Jack under the table, though. She apparently wasn’t getting nearly as drunk as Jack was. I found myself wishing that she would. All I wanted was for her to relax.

  “Well, I’ll give them a call first thing Monday morning,” I said. “You’ll be getting more jobs, I predict.”

  “Thanks, gorgeous,” Jack said, reaching for another glass of wine. Scotty kicked him again, and he looked at her. “What? We’re not driving. What’s the big deal?”

  “So, what kind of plays do you like to do?” I asked him. “Musicals, dramas, comedies?”

  “Whoever will hire me. I’m kinda a whore that way. But I’m not that great of a singer, although I have been in the chorus on a few off-Broadway musicals. Off-off Broadway, really.”

  Scotty admonished him at that. “Jack, stop putting yourself down. You’re an excellent singer. And Nick here is an amazing piano player. So, maybe Nick can play later on while you sing along. You can show him your talent.”

  Jack just shrugged. “I guess that I’m okay. But obviously not the best in town. If I were, I’d be getting parts, which isn’t the case.”

  “Well, then, Scotty has a good idea,” I said. “Why don’t I play for you tonight and you can sing for me? I do need a good idea about your talent before I put in a phone call to Bob.”

  “Bob. You mean Bob Terrill? One of the biggest producers in town?” Jack was incredulous.

  I nodded my head. “Yeah, actually, I went to Harvard with him. He was on my crew team. So, no problem, I’ll put in a good word for you no matter what. And, if your singing voice impresses me, I’ll definitely be able to vouch for you on some of the musicals he has in the pipeline.”

  This was working out well. Very well. I never even considered the possibility that I could use my connections to get on Jack’s good side. Of course, the whole thing reeked of manipulation, but it was for a good cause. Getting to know Jack would help me win Scotty, and that was all that mattered to me at that moment.

  “Oh my god,” Jack said, clapping his hands. “You rowed crew? I can just imagine you in one of those tight little tank tops and shorts they wear. It’s one of my favorite Olympic sports to watch for just that reason.”

  “Well, at Harvard, rowing crew wasn’t that big of a deal. Most of my buddies rowed with me.”

  Jack was looking at me with stars in his eyes. Scotty wasn’t looking at me at all. She was staring into her full wine glass pensively. I had a feeling I knew what her issue was. She didn’t have to tell me that Portia was cruel to her yesterday. I already surmised as much. Which complicated the whole situation between Scotty and me all the more. She was no doubt afraid that getting involved with me would result in professional suicide for her, because of Portia’s jealousy.

  The problem was, she was probably right. Portia had been with the firm for 10 years, compared to my three months, and she was, unfortunately, one of the firm’s biggest rainmakers. Of course, I probably still had the upper hand, simply because this firm went through great lengths to bring me aboard, and because of my reputation as a world-renowned architect who gave the firm a certain prestige. Still, I had no idea how a power struggle with Portia would play out. It wasn’t cut and dried, as Portia obviously had some loyalists at the firm. I hadn’t had the chance to make quite the same strong connections as she had over the years.

  But, one thing was for sure. I would go to bat for Scotty if push came to shove.

  I would go to the ends of the earth for this girl.

  After dessert, Jack said “well, handsome, why don’t you get that cute tush of yours over to that piano and let’s make some beautiful music together?”

  “Let’s go,” I said. “But let me warm up.” I wanted to show off for Scotty and Jack some. I mean, Scotty knew that I could play, but I really didn’t show her what I could do. So, I decided to “warm up” by playing the most complicated classical piece I knew – Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto, which was known as one of the most difficult piano pieces in the world. It was the concerto that literally drove David Helfgott crazy, as shown in the movie Shine. This was a complex movement, and it took a great deal of skill, as the part I played was in adagio and covered all the keys. But it was one that I had mastered years before.

  Jack and Scotty both stood over the piano while I played, and both of them looked at me in awe.

  When I was done with my “warm-up” I looked up and met Scotty’s beautiful green eyes. They were filled with tears. Jack’s eyes were just wide, and his mouth was open.

  “That’s incredible,” Scotty said softly, wiping away tears. “I’ve never heard such a beautiful rendition of that movement.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Well, I usually use this piece to warm up,” I said, which was a lie. I usually used much less complex pieces than this to warm up, but I really wanted to impress Scotty. She seemed to know her classical composers and music, so I knew that she would appreciate it.

  It seemed that it worked.

  “Okay, then,” I said to Jack. “What would you like to sing for me?”

  “Do you know Corner of the Sky from Pippin?”

  “Hmmm, hang on,” I said. Then I put my television on, finding YouTube, and I watched the video of the song once. That was another secret that I had that very few people knew about me, except maybe Ryan – I could literally play music by ear.

  So, after watching the video just once, I told Jack I was ready.

  “Ready? You watched the video once.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I’m ready. Are you?”

  Jack looked skeptical, but, as I played the opening notes, he was convinced, and started to sing along. He actually wasn’t bad, to my relief. A few bum notes here and there, some sharp, some flat, but, overall, not bad. I wouldn’t have too much of a difficult time convincing Bob to give him an audition.

  After he was done, I asked him if he wanted me to play Magic to Do from Pippin. That song was on the same video as Corner of the Sky, so I knew that one as well.

  “Sure,” he said. “I know that one, too. I’ve been practicing these songs, hoping to get an audition, so I know every song from Pippin.”

  So, I launched into this song and Jack sang along to that one, as well. As with the other song, he did a passable job. He might have needed a bit more vocal training, but he was definitely not the worst I ever heard.

  Then we did the same for a song from The Book of Mormon called I Believe. I watched a video for that, learned the music for it, and played while Jack sang along. Then I asked if he knew more standard songs, such as I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables. I knew that one by heart, without having to watch a video, so I was happy that he did know that.

  I ended up playing songs for about an hour, covering different musicals, including Hair, Miss Saigon, Jesus Christ Superstar and Rent. Jack knew all the songs perfectly, which was impressive in and of itself. It seemed that he was not a dilettante, as I had initially feared.

  Finally, it was time to turn my attention to Scotty, who was listening quietly to the two of us. I felt bad that she was left out, but she seemed very happy to hear our music. “You see,” she said to me, “Jack is very talented. He just needs a break.” Then she paused. “Thank you, very much, Nick, for offering to help him.”

  Jack gave Scotty a hug. “Love, when I become a big star, we’re going to live on the Upper West Side. Because you’re coming with me, girl, when I make it big.”

  Scotty laughed. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “Now, Scotty, what would you like to hear?”

  She looked thoughtful. “Do you know any Joni Mitchell?”

  “How about Big Yellow Taxi?” I said, and she nodded. I played the music for that while she sang. We got done with that, and I asked her if she had any Beatles requests. I knew most of their songs.

  “Yes,” she said. “Let It Be.” So, I played that, then ended up playing much of my Beatles repertoire. She and Jack both knew most of the words to these songs, so we all ended up
having a great time.

  But it was finally time to stop playing. I really wanted to get to know Jack better, so I got out some brandy and stoked the fire a little bit. The three of us talked until the wee hours of the morning about any and every topic under the sun. I was feeling pretty good that I was getting an “in” with this guy, who obviously meant so much to the woman that I was in love with, so I was feeling more confident that I could find the right way to make her mine.

  We all stayed up until about three in the morning talking. I really wanted them both to stay, especially Scotty. But I wanted Scotty to stay with me in my bed. I longed to touch her, to kiss her, to make love to her like I had never made love to anybody before. I knew that this was not realistic at this point, but this was what I was craving.

  I knew that this couldn’t happen, but I still wanted her to stay, even if it was just in the guest bedroom.

  Truth be told, I wanted her to stay forever.

  But it was not to be. They had to leave – Jack had to work at the bakery in the morning. So, I reluctantly called Charlie to come and get them. He would be here in less than ten minutes.

  The three of us said our goodbyes. “Thanks for having us,” Jack was saying, as we hugged. “It was a fabulous evening. Probably one of the best I’ve ever had. Sure beats the drag show,” he said with a laugh.

  Then Jack looked at the two of us, as our eyes were locking. “Uh, Scotty, I’ll be downstairs. See you in a few?”

  Scotty nodded without looking at him. She was still looking at me. I saw emotion in those green eyes of hers, more emotion than I had ever seen in her eyes, and it was making my heart pound out of my chest. She tentatively touched her hand to my chest, and I grabbed ahold of it, and put it up to my cheek. I kissed her forehead, my hand in her hair, and then gently kissed her soft lips.

  This kiss lasted longer than the kiss in the car. I could still feel her trembling, but she started to relax. I let my tongue explore leisurely inside her mouth. She was breathing hard, and she wrapped her arms around me. My heart soared, because this was the most I had been able to be physical with her since I had known her. I couldn’t lean into her, though, because the hard-on problem was making itself known again. This woman made me harder than anyone ever had. But the last thing I wanted to do was to scare her, so I leaned away from her while I gently kissed her.