Broken (Nick #1) Read online

Page 25

  I blinked rapidly. He was the only one who has ever seen them close-up unless I counted that…other man. I couldn’t think of him right now. I had to be in the moment and concentrate only on Nick, or else I would start to get fearful again and I wouldn’t be able to go through with this.

  I felt myself blushing. “Thank you,” I said. I wanted to return the favor and tell him that his body was beautiful and perfect, but I didn’t really have the words.

  He was shy again, although his penis was getting harder by the second. “Um, do you mind if I kiss your breasts?”

  I nodded my head, and couldn’t help but smile. He was so tender, and so respectful. I never imagined that I would meet a man like him. Yet, here he was, physically perfect and so sweet…I felt, once again, like I was dreaming.

  His tongue lightly and slowly circled my nipples, first on one breast and then on the other. I felt my nipples getting hard, and the sensation of his gentle strokes was stirring a powerful feeling in my nether regions. I could feel myself getting wet. My panties were actually soaking at this point.

  I was breathing harder and harder, and then I felt something wonderful. It was like a build-up of energy that burst inside of me, filling me with a pleasurable sensation that I had never felt before in my life. I moaned loudly in pleasure, as Nick slowly and gently continued to tongue both of my nipples, alternating between them for what seemed like hours.

  Was that an orgasm? I suddenly knew what all the fuss was about. Because that sensation was so powerful that my entire body was soon quaking with pleasure. I could feel my legs shaking beneath Nick’s weight, as the pleasurable sensation started in my nether regions, where it was, by far, the most powerful, and then the sensation made its way to my chest and throughout the rest of my body. I cradled Nick’s head in my arms, as he continued to work on slowly licking and sucking each of my nipples, his tongue making a slow circular motion around each of them.

  I could still feel his hardness pressed against me, and I took a deep breath as I whispered to him “do you, uh, have protection?”

  He nodded his head. “Yes, Scotty, I do.” Then he stroked my cheek and looked into my eyes. “I want to be sure that you’re ready. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I took a deep breath again. I tried not to hear Mr. Lukas’ voice in my ears, and, to my surprise, I was able to completely shut his voice out. Nick didn’t want to hurt me. Mr. Lukas didn’t care that he hurt me. Therein lay the difference between the two men.

  Then he kissed me, slowly and deeply, and more passionately than ever before. His hands smoothly ran through my hair, and then one of his hands lightly stroked my stomach and ran the length of my torso before settling onto my breast. He stroked my breast gently while he continued to kiss me, his tongue slowly exploring inside my mouth.

  Then he stopped kissing me, but his hands were still stroking my hair. “I love you so much, Scotty. I just want to be 100% sure that you are ready for me to make love to you. There’s really no hurry. I can be a patient man when I want to be. I’ll wait for you.”

  I blinked my eyes and wondered if I was giving off vibes that told him that I wasn’t quite ready for him to make love to me. And I realized that, after he said that he would wait, I really wasn’t quite ready. I felt ready. It felt right. But there still was a little bit of fear there.

  It touched me, so very deeply that he was willing to wait for me.

  I finally took a deep breath. “Thank you, Nick. I, yes, I’d like to wait. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” he said, without hesitation. Then he smiled. “But, uh, I’d like to use your bathroom if you don’t mind.”

  I smiled back, knowing why Nick had to use my bathroom. “Sure. Uh, it’s right there in the hallway.”

  Nick went to, uh, relieve himself, while I waited for him on the couch. I put my pajama top back on, and Nick was back within a few minutes. He sat down on the couch with me and put his shirt back on. Then he looked at me. “God, Scotty, I can hardly be around you without being turned on. There’s just something about you.”

  “I feel the same way,” I said, shyly. “I mean, I’m totally turned on by you. It’s just, well, there still is a tiny bit of fear. But I will say that I trust you not to hurt me. You coming to my rescue like that – it made me see you in a different light. And when I found out how you sacrificed yourself for me in front of your partners – well, let’s just say that nobody has ever done something like that for me. Ever. You don’t know what that means to me, to have somebody stick up for me like that. Especially after Paul.”

  Nick nodded his head. “Get used to my having your back. I’ll always protect you, no matter what. You never have to be afraid again.”

  Those words affected me profoundly. To know that I would never be hurt again, and if somebody tried to hurt me, I could count on somebody to be there, meant more to me than anything else in the world.

  “By the way,” I said, “how did you know to come outside at just the right time?”

  Nick looked a little bit embarrassed. “I was watching you the whole time. When you left, I saw your expression and you didn’t look happy. So, I followed you out the door. It took me a few minutes to get outside, though, because people kept coming up and talking to me. I wish that I would have gotten out there sooner, because then you wouldn’t have been attacked like that.”

  I said nothing, just took his hand and stroked it. He put his hand in my hair, and then stopped. “Oh, god,” he said, blushing profusely. “I’m having a hard time sitting next to you. Literally.”

  I looked at his trousers and saw what he meant.

  “Um, looks like I’m going to, uh, have to take a cold shower. Do you mind?”

  I shook my head and smiled. “Of course not. My shower isn’t the best, though. Not like yours.”

  “If there’s running water, then I’m good,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”

  And, sure enough, about ten minutes later, he emerged, his hair damp and his clothes back on. I caught my breath. He looked so handsome, as usual, but with his hair wet like that, and kinda in his face, he looked totally sexy, yet innocent.

  How did I manage to get a guy like that to fall in love with me? I really, really, really hoped that I wasn’t dreaming. If I wake up and find out that the whole thing was just in my head, that would be devastating.

  I stood up. “You know, I’m such a bad hostess. Can I offer you a drink of orange juice or something?”

  “Sure,” he said. “Uh, Scotty, is Jack coming home tonight?”

  “Yeah. He works late,” I said, getting up to pour two glasses of OJ. I handed him a glass, and he sipped it. “He’ll be home around 4ish.”

  Nick took a deep breath. “I really don’t want to leave. Do you mind if I spend the night?”

  “I’d love that,” I said. “Jack will have to sleep on the hide-a-bed. He owes me, anyhow, after all the times that I had to sleep on the hide-a-bed because he had a trick over.”

  Nick laughed a little. “So, Jack is a little man-whore, huh?”

  I nodded my head, trying to forget the fact that Nick was a man-whore too. But I truly believed that he was reformed.

  I hope I wasn’t being naïve.

  Chapter 54


  I spent the night with Scotty, and I literally had to try to block out how much she turned me on. I didn’t want to have a raging hard-on, because I wanted to hold her all night long. Just hold her. Feel her warmth next to me. So, I tried mind-over-matter, and it worked for a little while. But, after feeling my arms around her slender body for about a half hour, I knew that there was no use.

  “I’m sorry, Scotty,” I whispered to her. “I can’t help it. I wish I could.”

  “It’s ok, Nick,” she said. “Hopefully, sometime soon, it won’t, uh, be as much of a problem.”

  I couldn’t kiss her. That would really get me going. So, I just laid behind her, feeling her body next to me. There was no better feeling that I could ha
ve ever experienced. There was no other place that I would have rather been. I mean, I had literally traveled the world. Been to some amazing places, and did amazing things. I had always had beautiful homes that were appointed in the height of luxury. Always the best of everything – top of the line cars, high dollar furniture, artwork that was worth millions – yet, spending the night with Scotty, in her tiny bed in her tiny bedroom, was my all-time favorite place to be. I would give up every bit of my wealth, if I had to in order to be with her. Every bit of it.

  I couldn’t sleep, even after I heard Scotty start to breathe heavily, as she obviously was asleep. I was just too wired, too excited, too on-top-of-the-world.

  I was truly in love for the first time in my life.


  The next day, Scotty and I woke up, and I could hear Jack rummaging around in the kitchen. I felt a tad embarrassed, but not really.

  Jack looked surprised, to say the least. “Well, hello handsome!” Then he looked at Scotty with a huge grin on his face. “Scotty Marie. You little minx.”

  Scotty looked embarrassed. “Uh, sorry about last night. I know that it was your turn to get the bed. I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Oh, no need, no need. God knows I’ve done it to you about 50,000 times. I was beginning to wonder when you would ever do it back to me, and now you finally have. And you go girl. You go. You’re so scandalous!”

  I took a deep breath. It was Sunday, and I knew that Scotty was having finals next week. God, how I didn’t want to leave that apartment. I never wanted to leave, ever. But, at the same time, I needed to be respectful and understand that Scotty was going to have to study.

  “Uh, Scotty, I better leave. I know that you have a ton of studying to do. I’ll see you tomorrow at work, though.”

  She nodded her head. “Tomorrow at work. Uh, last night. Uh, thanks. You don’t know how much what you did meant to me.” Then she motioned for me tilt my head so that she could whisper in my ear. “I love you Nick.”

  My heart did about a thousand backflips. “I love you too,” I whispered back. “Like I have never loved anyone.”

  And, as I made my way to the limo, as I had called Charlie a half earlier to come and pick me up, I knew that what I was saying to her was true.

  Chapter 55


  Nick just left, and I was, once again, floating on air. I had to study, because finals were coming up for the next few weeks, including my finals in Nick's classes. But it was so difficult to do so. I just couldn't concentrate.

  Jack had teased me some more about Nick spending the night, but he said that he was very proud of me for letting something like that happen.

  “Well, nothing happened, really,” I said. “I mean, there was no, uh, penetration.”

  “There was everything but, I hope,” he said.

  “No, not everything but. I mean, he, uh, kinda took off my top and uh, you know...” I was sure that my face was all kinds of red. “He, he, he, kinda used his tongue...”

  “Go on,” Jack said with an amused look on his face. “So, he felt you up, and licked you like a cat. Oh, I have to live vicariously through you now that Brad's out of the picture. So, go on. What else?”

  “Brad's out of the picture?”

  “Yeah. I don't want no closet case, even if he does have a jillion dollars in real estate around the city. But no changing the subject. I have to know about loverboy. Your loverboy. Every juicy detail. Leave nothing out.”

  “Well, there's not much to tell.”

  “Did you see his cock?”

  “No,” I said weakly. I always was a horrible liar.

  “I'm calling bullshit on your scandalous ass. What was it like?”

  “It was...nice. Very nice. A little, uh, well, uh, a lot, uh, huge. But nice.”

  “I knew it. I knew it. Well, that's it. You just nailed down the world's most perfect man. Damn. I thought that there had to be something wrong with him, and a small dick would be it. God can't be that unfair to give one person so much. Well, ok then. You have to marry this man. Yesterday. As long as I can come in a live in your guest house.”

  “What guest house? He has that loft, remember?”

  “Well, then, Nick will just have to buy me the loft next door. Wouldn't that be tres fabulous?”

  “That would. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Baby steps, remember?”

  “Baby steps my ass. Scotty, this man is in love with you. And you're in love with him. Just jump in, head first, and enjoy the ride. And think about all the hos who would give their last pair of Pradas to be in your shoes.”

  “I'll try not to think about that.”

  “Whatever. Anyhoo, where are we going right now to celebrate?”

  “Oh, Jack, I'd love to go out with you. But I have a shit-ton of studying to do. Just a shit-ton. Yesterday set me back, so I gotta get right on it.”

  Jack looked disappointed. “Ok, then. Ok. I mean, I haven't really seen you in like forever. But we'll go out after your finals. When are you done?”

  “A week from Friday, although I only have two exams next week. I have the rest of the exams this week. So, I have to hunker down.”

  “Like Nick is going to give you a shitty grade.”

  “The exams are anonymous. He doesn't know which papers he is grading.”

  “Oh. Too bad.”

  “No, I'm glad about that. No way would I want a grade that I didn't earn just because the instructor, uh, likes me.”

  “Take it anyway you can get it. And, the instructor doesn't like you. He's head over heels crazy in love with you. I can see it in his eyes.”

  I felt my face turning about a hundred shades of crimson. “If you say so.”

  “I say so.”

  So, I hunkered down and got to work with my studying and researching for various final projects and papers I was going to have to hand in that week.

  After a couple of hours, I stretched and I heard the door buzz. My heart started racing. Nick coming to visit me would be a distraction, but I really wanted to see him.

  Jack was at the door. “Hello?”

  “Hello,” the disembodied voice said. “I have a delivery for Scotty James.”

  Jack pressed the buzzer and looked at me. “A delivery. I wonder what that is?”

  A few minutes later, Jack opened the door, and a man was standing there with a dozen roses in a crystal vase. They were beautiful, red, and long-stemmed. I could barely breathe as I took the flowers and looked at the card. “Thinking of you and can't wait to see you tomorrow. Love, Nick.”

  “Oh my god. These flowers are gorgeous,” I said. I never in my life had received anything like this from any man, and I suddenly realized exactly what I had been missing all those years. The feeling of being special to somebody, so special that the man can't take his mind off of me.

  And, perhaps even more importantly, knowing that the feeling was mutual.

  Chapter 56


  I was going to invite Scotty over to my place on Christmas Eve and I wanted to have something special for her. So, I was actually going to cook dinner. Which was a challenge for me, to say the very least. I had never in my life cooked much of anything. I mean, in college, I lived on the usual college food - frozen burritos and shit on a shingle - and I had girlfriends who would cook for me, as I had always been very athletic, so I needed to eat properly. I also ate out a ton. Always. And that was how I lived my life with Rielle as well.

  Cooking had never been something that I had really aspired to. That was always Ryan's forte, even during his drug days. Ryan was the gourmet cook. Me, not so much. It was just too much trouble, and cleaning up was a bitch. I had a live-in housekeeper when I lived in Kansas City, but here in New York, there was not a place for Sheila, my live-in housekeeper, to stay, so I had been living very much on my own, and I didn't want to have to clean up a mess in the kitchen. And, since the best way to not have to clean up a mess in the kitchen was not to make a mess in the first
place, this was another reason why I pretty much forwent cooking.

  Yet, I wanted to cook for Scotty. Which was huge for me. However, since I have had zero experience in doing so, I decided to practice a bit in the kitchen, to try to get the hang of it. So, I went to the grocer and got some frozen chicken breast. I came home, put my burners on high and put the frozen chicken breast into a frying pan and tried to cook it.

  That didn't turn out well at all. The chicken was charred black on the outside, and completely raw on the inside. I scratched my head, looking at the inedible chicken, wondering what I did wrong.

  Another time, I damn near set the kitchen on fire with my efforts. I learned a lesson from that – make sure that I had a fire extinguisher at the ready when I cooked. So, in my further cooking endeavors, the fire extinguisher was right there next to the stove.

  Finally, I called Ryan.

  “Hey,” he said. “What's going on?”

  “Buddy. I'm dying here.”

  “Why?” He sounded a bit alarmed.

  “I've been trying to practice my cooking skills. I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm afraid that I'm about to burn down my loft.”

  Ryan started laughing hysterically.

  “Hey,” I said. “It's not funny.” But then, I started laughing too. “Ok, it is funny. But, seriously, I've already started one fire that I had to put out, and I've burned everything I have tried to cook. What do I do?”

  “Well, buddy, I have to tell ya. Get The Joy of Cooking at Barnes and Noble, and Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. Also, DVR some cooking shows on the Food Network. You're a smart guy. You got this.”

  I sighed. “Ok, but I don't exactly have years of experience like you do.”

  “Sure. If you spent your time cooking instead of chasing tail, you would be much better off.”

  “Thanks a lot,” I said. “Way to rub it in.”

  “Just joking,” he said. “Really not, but that was kinda mean of me to say.”

  I just shook my head. “Well, thanks for the advice. I'll find those books and see what I can do.”