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Temptations - The Complete Series Page 32

  “No. I won’t let you. I won’t -”

  He took my hands and kissed them lightly. “Serena, the only reason why I was allowed bail is because my bond hearing attorney convinced the judge that there was a good amount of reasonable doubt that I did this murder. Once I confess, that reasonable doubt will be gone. I would imagine that I’ll be remanded to the county jail immediately after I give this confession, and I would imagine that my bond will be revoked. So, this might be the last time, in a long time, that you and I can be alone like this.”

  I felt hot tears stream down my face. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I was going to be the hero who found a way to bring down Malcolm, and Slade was going to be eternally grateful to me. How did we get here? Why were we here?

  “Slade, you need to talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “No.” He moved over next to me and took me in his arms. “I won’t tell you what’s going on. I’m sorry. But Serena, I need to feel your soft skin one last time.” He buried his face in my shoulder and I put my hands behind his head.

  I could feel my heart pounding, just like it always did whenever Slade touched me. But it wasn’t pounding with desire. It was pounding with fear and utter helplessness. There had to be a way around this, but what was it?

  “You’re scared,” he said. “Maybe we can use this to our advantage.” He raised his eyebrows and brought me closer to him. “That Detective might come in here at any moment, too. We should probably make this quick, although I would love to give it to you slow. Hard and slow.”

  I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening, but, in spite of the situation that we were in, I found myself becoming more and more aroused by Slade’s suggestions. I found myself involuntarily spreading my legs as I sat in my chair.

  “Slade,” I whispered, “we can’t do this. Not here. That detective is going to come in at any moment. He has a key.”

  Slade just got up and checked and made sure that the door was locked. “So what? If he comes in, he comes in. I have to be inside of you, and I have to feel my skin against yours. You can’t deny me, Serena. You can’t deny me because I won’t let you.”

  His will was so strong, and I tried to show that my will was just as strong. Yet, I couldn’t. My netherparts were filling up with blood as he spoke to me, and I knew that it didn’t matter that we were probably going to be caught. The only thing that mattered at that point was that Slade was possibly going to be going to jail in a matter of hours, and I would always regret not making love to him before he went away. I knew the drill, too – he wouldn’t have a bond if he were thrown into jail, and he probably would never see the outside world again. That would devastate me beyond measure, and I didn’t think that I would ever recover from losing him.

  Slade put me up on the table and spread my legs. His strong hand stroked the top of my thigh, and his lips met mine desperately. I let out an audible breath as I gripped the side of the table. His hands went from my inner thighs to my clit and he tickled it lightly. I wasn’t wearing hose, and my panties were light and thong-style. I soon felt his warm tongue lightly grazing my opening while his fingers played inside me. I groaned, feeling my ecstasy growing with each stroke of his talented mouth and fingers.

  His strokes were long and slow and tender. That was just how I liked it, and he knew that. I soon felt myself burst so that I wanted to cry out , but I bit my hand instead. It was all that I could do to keep quiet, though. The last thing that I wanted was for that Detective to come in and see what we were doing.

  His tongue traveled from my clit to my waist, as he casually unbuttoned my blouse, which he did slowly and deliberately. Despite the desperate situation, there was no hurry to what he was doing. It was almost as if he had all the time in the world. I was trying to capture that moment, trying to bottle it and keep it with me always. If I never saw Slade again in the outside world, I needed to always remember that moment forever.

  My bra was next, as he casually unhooked it and licked and sucked on each of my nipples. I reared back my head, as I felt my breathing coming faster and faster. My heart was pounding, and every single one of the hairs on my body were standing to attention. He was still fully clothed, and I still had on my skirt and my high heels, but my blouse was off, as was my bra. His tongue was traveling from my clavicle to my neck, and he bit and sucked it lightly as his hands explored my waist and traveled down to my clit once more. He firmly put his thumb and forefinger on my clit and swirled, while he put another finger inside of me. Once again, I wanted to cry out. I was desperate to cry out. The fact that I couldn’t make a sound, when every fiber of my being wanted to, was painful for me. It was so painful that it made me even more aroused, and I bit my tongue.

  “Slade,” I began, wanting to tell him that I was afraid that the Detective would come in at any moment.

  He put his hand over my mouth. “Don’t say it. I know what you’re thinking, but don’t say it. I’m not nearly done with you, so Detective Branson is just going to have to cool his heels. I want to make this last, because who knows if we’ll ever get the chance to do this again?”

  I nodded my head and said nothing. I was, as ever, a prisoner to his will. I couldn’t ever deny Slade, and I really couldn’t at that moment. He was too powerful, too strong, and I wanted him to completely control me. I bit my lower lip, not wanting to be punished later for giving him backtalk, yet hoping that I would get the chance for just such a punishment.

  “I don’t have a condom on me,”he whispered. “I want to take a chance.”

  I nodded my head, unable to say a word. I was on birth control pills, but I had forgotten to take one of them that month, so I was unsure whether not using a condom was a prudent idea or not. No matter, I wanted him so desperately at that point, I pushed the thought of an accidental pregnancy far out of my mind. “I want you to take a chance, too,” I said, feeling that we were playing Russian Roulette, yet not caring one bit that we were.

  He unbuckled his pants, springing his glorious and huge cock out with one move. I sighed as I saw it, knowing what was going to come next. He jerked my legs towards him, and spread them wide. His cock was getting ever closer to me, but it was teasing me, because he put the tip into my opening and immediately took it back out.

  “Just a taste,” he said. “Just a taste to whet your appetite for me. I’ll be making you want to scream, but I don’t want you to even know what is coming.”

  I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I soon found out. He took off his belt and wrapped it around my eyes. He secured the belt tightly around my head, so tight that it hurt, and I knew that giving me pain was deliberate on his part.

  If I doubted that causing me pain was deliberate, I had my suspicions soon confirmed to me when he said “how does that feel? Is it painful for you?”

  I shook my head, and he tightened the belt even more. “How about now?”

  I had to admit, my temples were throbbing because that belt was so tight, and I nodded my head. It felt exquisite to have that belt around my eyes, because it hurt, but, more than that, I had no idea what to expect from him. I couldn’t see a thing, so I was completely at his mercy.

  What came next was him taking off my belt that was around my skirt. My hands were around his neck, and he gently forced them off his neck and put them in front of me. He wrapped my belt around my wrists and secured them, and then leaned me back on the desk. He lay down on top of me and forced my hands above my head while he kissed my breasts and torso lightly.

  Because I couldn’t see a thing, my senses were heightened. The back of my mind was terrified of hearing the door opening, yet that fear only served to make what Slade was doing that much more powerful. My sense of smell was also heightened, and Slade’s scent – musky, sweet, and spicy – filled my olfactory and added to the ecstasy that I was feeling. I was anticipating his cock plunging inside of me, and I was aching for it by then.

  I bit my lip, and Slade’s finger touched my mouth. “Serena, y
ou need to know that I’m in love with you. I don’t ever want to leave you. You need to remember that and remember this moment in the future. I need you to never forget what this feels like with me. I want you to touch yourself right now, so that when you touch yourself tomorrow or the next night or the next night after that, you will automatically think about how this felt with me right at this moment.”

  I tried not to think of the implications of what he was saying. This was possibly the last time we could be together, and he wanted me to always think of it whenever I was touching myself in my bed late at night. I knew that I would be, and, if the very worst thing happened, I knew that I could never bring myself to orgasm without thinking about this time with him.

  He ran his fingers through my hair, tangling them and pulling the strands. That caused me to finally try to cry out, but he put his hand over my mouth again. “Quiet, Serena. You can’t make a sound. If you do, there will be hell to pay the next time I make love to you like this.”

  I felt sorrowful knowing that there probably wouldn’t be a next time, but I stifled my cry anyways. “Please give it to me, Slade,” I pleaded. “I’m dying for it now.”

  “Are you? How much are you dying for it?”

  I couldn’t express how much I was desperate for his hard cock to be inside of me. There were no words at that point. “There are no words.”

  “Tell me.”

  “If you don’t give it to me within the next few seconds, I think that I’m going to go completely crazy.”

  “Good. That’s what I wanted to hear. I want you begging for it.”


  “That’s not good enough.”

  “Slade you have to give it to me right now.”

  He kissed me lightly, and then his kisses got more urgent, passionate and desperate. I could almost feel how much he wanted to be inside of me right at that moment, and that it took every ounce of his willpower to hold back on me. He stroked my cheek and kissed my forehead and brought me closer to him. “Okay, Serena, I’m going to give it you, slowly, so that you need to scream. But I won’t let you scream.” He apparently pulled a silk handkerchief out of the pocket of his jacket, and then he tied it around my mouth. My heart quickened, knowing that I was completely at his mercy and I was helpless to do anything at all.

  As his enormous manhood entered me, I thought that I was going to pass out. I was so ready for this – my entire body was tingling and on fire, and my netherparts felt like they were so engorged with blood that they were painful. His cock eased that particular pain and replaced it with pure unadulterated ecstasy.

  He stroked in an out languidly, but it was enough for me to feel that I wanted to explode. I couldn’t do anything, though – I couldn’t cry, I couldn’t see, and I couldn’t move. Somehow, though, the fact that I was helpless only served to heighten all my senses all the more, which made my pleasure sensors go on overload. As these sensors went into overdrive, I could feel the endorphins coursing throughout my entire body. I didn’t have an outlet to get my emotions out, though, so these wonderful feelings had no place to go. My breathing started to get heavier and heavier, and, finally, I felt the orgasm that was threatening to release itself build inside of me and burst like it never had before.

  Slade kissed me with his devouring lips, and I tried to put my bound wrists behind his head, but he took his hands and raised mine above my own head instead. “Tell me what you want,” he whispered.

  I want you. I want you to be with me forever. That means that I need you to not do what you’re about to do. “You,” I said weakly.

  “You have me.”


  “I can’t give that to you.” His voice was regretful and sorrowful. He sighed as his mighty cock exploded inside of me. “I’m sorry Serena.”

  In spite of myself, I felt a hot tear soak the leather belt that was still wrapped around my eyes. He loosened the belt around my wrists and took off the blindfold and the gag. “I want forever with you too,” he said softly. “But we can’t always get what we want.”

  I looked him right in the eyes. I closed my own eyes and felt the love, passion and regret that was roiling beneath his careful façade. To the outside world, it seemed as if Slade didn’t really care that he was doing this. He didn’t care that he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison for something that he didn’t do, and that he would be leaving me in the process. When I felt his emotions, though, I knew better. He did care. He cared very much. I felt his despair in my bones, and I felt yet another tear come down my cheek.

  He lowered his head. “I need to go now and speak with Detective Hanson.”

  “No,” I said. “You can’t do this.”

  “I have to do this. I have to. I’m sorry, but I have no choice.”

  I felt myself coming down, back to earth. Back to reality, which was that Slade and I were in a tiny room, and that Slade was about to do something that would inalterably change the rest of our lives. He was about to take himself away from me forever. He was about to commit himself to living in a tiny cell throughout the rest of his days. I couldn’t stomach that. I couldn’t fathom it. It was too horrible and too surreal.

  He handed me my blouse, bra and panties without a word. I took them, but I tried to make him look me in the eye. He couldn’t. His pained expression was facing the window, and, when I closed my eyes, I knew that he couldn’t feel more depressed than he did right at that moment.

  “Thank you for making these moments special,” he said. “I’ll never forget this.”

  “I need to go in there and speak with the detective with you, and I really need for you to change your mind.” I felt tears coming to my eyes. “I can’t lose you.” My voice was small, pathetic, pleading. I felt like my soul was being ripped completely in two.

  He held me, his strong fingers gently combing through my hair. “Serena, I don’t want this. I don’t want to lose you, either. I think that losing you would be even more devastating to me than doing time. But I wish that you could understand that it’s either I do this, or I lose you for real.”

  “I don’t understand, although I do think that this whole thing has something to do with Charlotte.”

  I knew when I looked at him and saw his expression after I said that the whole thing has to do with Charlotte, that I was right. It did have to do with Charlotte. But how? Why? What, exactly, was going on?

  “It’s complicated.” Slade just stated the obvious.

  “If Charlotte is blackmailing you, then we can fight this. We can.”

  He shook his head. “You’re so naïve sometimes. It’s strange – you’re so worldly and sophisticated in some ways, and in others…well, I hope that I don’t offend you when I say this, but there are ways that I can tell that you’re the daughter of a fisherman. And that you’re from a small town. You didn’t grow up in a rough environment where people aren’t always good or kind-hearted. You don’t know how black some people can be. How soulless. How some people will absolutely rip you to pieces just because of who you are.”

  I bristled when he said those things. He didn’t know what I had gone through. He knew about my mother being murdered, and that really should have been enough for him to realize that I wasn’t as sheltered as he might have thought. He didn’t know the other things that made me the way that I was. He has no idea, no clue, the depth of my pain. Yet, he was going to add to it.

  I had no idea myself what was at stake here, but what I did know was that I was willing to sacrifice anything to make sure he stayed out of prison. He didn’t belong there, and he was clearly about to confess to that murder because of something that was going on between Charlotte, him, and me. If my life was somehow on the line because of Charlotte, so be it. I wasn’t going to let him die so that I should live.

  Slade continued on. “I read a book when I was in high school. It was called The President. It was about a dictator in Central America who was unbelievably cruel. He put one of his political enemies into a p
rison where there was no light, no heat or air conditioning, so the box was sweltering in the heat and freezing in the cold. This dictator put this man in this prison for no good reason, really. This man was a good man. That’s how Charlotte will treat you. You’ve done nothing to her, but she’ll have you tortured and killed just the same. She won’t even bat an eyelash about it. I simply can’t let that happen.”

  “Slade, you’re not making sense. What does any of this have to do with Charlotte or me?”

  He sighed. “I guess that I have to trust you with my deepest, darkest secret. Maybe then you can understand why I’m doing this and why I have to go through with it.”

  I let out a breath. Slade was finally ready to open up.

  Then maybe I could do the same.

  Chapter 14

  Slade’s eyes got slightly misty, which was something that I didn’t expect to ever see from him, when he started telling me the story of how it was he got to where he was going to confess to a murder that he didn’t commit. “It all started about ten years ago. Charlotte and I were dating from the time we were both around sixteen. I wasn’t serious about her, but she clearly was about me. But I had other things on my mind – namely, getting my PhD at a young age so that I could make the kind of money that I needed to make to support myself and my mom. It was very important that I could take care of my mom, because she was a felon, so she couldn’t get a decent job anywhere. She pretty much worked maid service jobs at sleazy motels, which didn’t pay her enough to eat. So, I was very focused, laser focused, on getting ahead so that I could support her.”

  I smiled and played with his hair. “Well, you certainly did accomplish that.”

  “Yes, I did. And I have made sure that all my wealth is tied up in trusts and other entities so that a felony conviction won’t do anything to my assets. Even if a wrongful death lawsuit is filed against me by Jordan’s widow, most of my wealth won’t be touched. But that’s neither here nor there.”