Temptations - The Complete Series Read online

Page 37

  “I told you not to come yet,” he said. Then I felt a paddle whack my bare cheeks. It stung, but it felt so beautiful and right. “You can come when I tell you to come, and not one second before.”

  Since I had the ball-gag covering my mouth, I certainly couldn’t cry out anymore, so it stifled the outlet that I had. This made all the sensations that much more intense.

  Slade’s hands wrapped around me from the back, and they had the same type of body butter that I felt on my back earlier. It felt like some kind of massage oil, so his hands were able to glide around my abdomen. He stroked my stomach for several minutes, his hands kneading into my skin. I felt like he was teasing me in doing this, because I so wanted his hands to be exploring other parts of my body. But he was in no hurry - his hands were gentle on my torso as his fingers made circular motions. I swallowed hard, wanting him to explore my breasts and my netherparts with those talented hands.

  The anticipation of what he was going to do was literally making me ache. The feeling in my lower extremities was that of extreme pleasure mixed with extreme pain. I felt a tightening of my clit, and I had to breathe harder and harder to try to contain the orgasm that kept threatening to burst. I knew that if I cried out that Slade would hit me again with the paddle, and that thought was delicious yet scary.

  He fastened a leash and collar around my neck and brought my head down with it. Because my oxygen was being cut off, I was starting to feel slightly light-headed, but that enhanced the sensation of what he was doing that much more. He took of the ball-gag, and his sensuous lips met mine, devouring my own, his tongue exploring inside my mouth with increased urgency. The kiss lasted for a long time, while his hands were exploring my abdomen gently. When he finally started to gently massage my breasts, and put two clamps on my erect nipples, it was too much. I started to breathe in through my nose, trying to stem the tide, but the pain of the clamps, combined with the sensation of his masterful hands on my belly and the sensuous feeling of his lips on mine, finally brought me to one of the most powerful orgasms I had ever had.

  Slade backed off of me, slipped the ball gag on and picked up the paddle again. "You need to hold your orgasms back," he said, as he thwacked my backside once, twice and a third time. Each of the slaps to my backside were harder than the last, and that pain radiated throughout my body. Ironically enough, the paddling made it much harder to contain the orgasm. I had to concentrate to try to hold back, but the endorphins were flooding my system, and holding back was literally painful.

  His fingers found my clit, and while two of his digits pinched my engorged G-spot, his other fingers swirled inside me while I groaned. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, as I heard him tear into the condom packet.

  I nodded my head. I couldn't possibly be more ready for his enormous manhood than I was right at that moment. I couldn't speak, though, as I still had my ball-gag on my mouth. He was right behind me, and he leaned up against me, his cock teasing my opening. I was dripping wet - I could feel my own wetness on my legs. Slade jerked my head back with the leash as he simultaneously plunged his manhood deep inside me, and my breathing started to come so fast that I thought I was going to hyperventilate.

  "Now you can come," he said, and the release that happened after he said that was like nothing I had ever experienced. He finally took of the ball gag, and I screamed out loud.

  "Holy fuck!" I yelled over and over and over again. Slade's cock was sliding in and out, and I was driven so wild with desire that I desperately tried to move my shackled arms and legs but couldn't. My breathing was so labored now that I was once again feeling light-headed, and my entire body was trembling.

  His thrusting continued for what seemed like an eternity, and every thrust intensified my orgasm until it was almost unbearable. I had no idea what it felt like to have pleasure so heightened that it mixed with pain, but this sensation came close.

  Finally, with a groan, I knew that he was sated as well. He was also breathing hard. Sweat dripped off his body, and his damp skin mingled with my own. I lowered my head, and he took off the nipple clamps. The real pain associated with the nipple clamps came after they were removed, and my two orbs were raw and sore. Yet I had never felt more alive than I did right at moment.

  He carefully took me out of my restraints and I crumpled to the floor. I was spent, absolutely spent, and, when I looked at him, I knew that he was as well.

  Slade gently helped me up off the floor, and I smiled at him weakly. "Oh my god, that had to be the strongest orgasm that I've ever had."

  "Come over to the bed," he said. "I need to put some ointment on your beautiful ass, because you're going to soon be feeling the pain. I'm glad that you didn't give me the safe word, although I was afraid that you would."

  We walked over the bed and I lay down on my stomach. Slade gently got some cream and rubbed my cheeks with it. It was soothing and cool, and he was right - I didn't feel the pain right at first, because all I could feel was the adrenaline coursing through my body. But my rear was starting to sting just a little bit. The cream was cooling everything off and I groaned in pleasure as his strong and sure hands spread it around my butt.

  After a few minutes, though, I could feel that he was starting to get aroused again. He lay down on top of me and started to massage my legs. I could feel his breathing coming faster. "How about something more vanilla?" he asked me.

  When I felt his manhood at my opening, I knew that I had to have him inside of me again. I was already swollen and wet, so he was able to slip his enormous cock inside me gently and smoothly. I bucked up, needing to feel him buried deep inside of me. I needed him to go as deep as he possibly could. As he gently thrust in and out, he stroked my back and kissed my neck. I felt another powerful orgasm coming, and I cried out loud.

  He was silent as he thrust inside of me, but I could hear his heart beating. I knew that my own heart had the same rhythm, and it seemed appropriate. He was melded to me, inexorably and completely. There was no way that we could ever be torn asunder, no matter what happened. Even prison, god forbid, wouldn't be enough to truly separate us. I would always carry him with me, especially after this night.

  He groaned and flipped me around to face him. His sensuous lips met mine and I sighed. "I love you Serena. No matter what happens, never forget that."

  I nodded my head. "I love you too."

  He rolled over and lay behind me, is arms wrapped around me from behind. I gripped his hands with my own, afraid to let them go. I felt that if I released my grip that I would somehow lose him. He would just slip away.

  The very thought made me ill.

  Chapter 19

  After Slade and I had our night together, I knew what I had to do. I simply had to find a way to make sure that he stayed out of prison. That would mean that I would have to undermine him 100% and go behind his back and do something that he clearly didn’t want me to do.

  I knew just who was going to help me out with all of this.

  The first thing I did, though, was get my dogs out of their pooch hotel. I went to the hotel, and picked them up, and they were as excited to see me as I was them. It was amazing to me how much they had grown in just the month or so that I had them. They were both plump dogs, stocky really, as Frenchies tend to be. Bella had more black on the tips of her ears than Gigi, but both dogs were fawn colored, with the trademark round eyes of a French Bulldog, and the bow-legged stance of these dogs. French Bulldogs tended to be short and squat and powerfully built, and these two dogs were starting to take on the look of a mature version of their breed.

  I loved these dogs so much. I picked both of them up, and they both cried out and covered my face with kisses when they saw me. Animal behaviorists often said that dogs cannot feel love, only instinct, but I always refused to believe this. I knew that Bella and Gigi loved me, because I was in tune with how they felt. And I always felt pure happiness emanating from their little bodies every time I saw them.

  I walked them to my SUV and put them
in the carrier in the back, and then I called my brother.

  He picked up on the third ring. “Serena, hey! Dalilah and I have been having a blast visiting your fine city. How’s it going?”

  “Great. What have you guys been up to?”

  “We did the Zoo and Balboa Park, and tomorrow we’re planning on taking a little dinner cruise. So far, Olivia has been amazing, and hasn’t really given us any problems, so it’s been a lot of fun. I could certainly be persuaded to move here. Especially when I get to New York and it’s colder than a witch’s tit in the wintertime.”

  “Just how cold is a witch’s tit?”

  “Pretty goddamned cold. You know that.”

  I smiled in spite of myself. I still had to pinch myself when I was talking to Luke, after how much he hated me for so long. I silently gave thanks to his fiancée, who I adored. “Listen, Luke, come over for dinner tonight. I just picked up a nice bottle of wine, and you know how well I can cook. I really need to see the two of you.”

  “Sure, what time?”

  “Be there at seven if you can.”

  “See you then.”

  We hung up, and I went straight home. I let the dogs out in the backyard, and I got out a different bottle of wine than I was going to serve to Luke and Dalilah and poured myself a glass. I couldn’t quite believe that I had finally come clean to Slade about all that had happened to me, and I couldn’t quite believe how hot our sex was last night. I reached down and touched myself and felt a tingle when I did so. I couldn’t keep my mind off of Slade and all that we had done the night before. He got me and he understood exactly what I wanted. He knew how rough I wanted it, and how gentle I sometimes wanted it. He was somehow able to give me everything that I wanted and needed, and there was just no way I was going to give any of that up.

  If it was the last thing I did, I was going to keep that man out of prison. There was no doubt about that.

  As I sat in my easy chair, I smiled when I heard the phone ringing with Slade’s ringtone and his face appearing on my screen. I picked up. “Hey you,” I said, still feeling slightly dreamy and tingly just thinking about him. “How are you?”

  “I can’t get you out of my head. I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but man, last night was incredible.”

  I smiled and said nothing. There were really no words for how I was feeling about him, at least no words that I could articulate right then. “It certainly was,” I finally said. “I can’t keep my mind off of you, either.”

  “I need you to come over here tonight.”

  “I can’t. Luke and Dalilah are coming for dinner.” I somehow felt guilty telling him that. After all, in his mind, the two of us were living on borrowed time. We needed to grab every single second we could and fill it with time together. Yet, I was telling him that I didn’t want to see him, and he was probably wondering why I didn’t also invite him to dinner. If Luke and Dalilah could make it for dinner, then why wouldn’t he be able to as well?

  He was quiet on the line for a little bit, and I worried. I worried that he might just show up out of the blue, and that wouldn’t do. I had some very serious things to talk to Luke and Dalilah about, and the topic was going to be Slade and how to get him out of his guilty plea. Needless to say, I couldn’t also have Slade at the dinner party, because there wasn’t any way that I could talk to Luke and Dalilah about him if he was there.

  “Slade?” I said to him. “Did I lose you?”

  “No, I’m here. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Can you take the day off again?”

  I had some vacation time coming to me, and, truth be told, I didn’t want to be around Malcolm anymore. He turned my stomach. He was such a weasel, even worse than Charlotte. Charlotte was contemptible. She was wrong in the head, and her obsession with Slade knew no bounds. Yet, I could almost respect her more than I could Malcolm. Malcolm was nothing but a pathetic lap-dog. I almost felt a bit sorry for him, because he was so desperate to make a name for himself that he brutally murdered a man. I had no idea if Malcolm would do something like that under ordinary circumstances, but just the fact that he was capable of it…But, then again, as Slade said, anyone is capable of anything at any given time.

  “I think that can be arranged. Let’s go to the beach tomorrow, huh?”

  “Tomorrow. What time?”

  “I’ll be at your place at noon.”

  “See you then.”

  As I hung up, I knew what Slade was thinking. He was wondering why he wasn’t invited to come over tonight. And, like me, he was probably dreaming about our time together. The two of us were bonded, truly bonded, in a way that I never thought I would be bonded with anyone. It was almost as if we were seared together, and I felt alive in a way that I never thought that I would feel. He had awakened something in me that I didn’t know was inside of me – the capacity to feel something that was right and beautiful, not scary and intimidating. The pain that he had inflicted on me last night was sweet and tender in a way that most people wouldn’t even begin to understand. It was him giving me exactly what I wanted and needed, and I never thought that anybody would be able to do that for me.

  I continued to sip my glass of wine, and then poured myself another. The dogs were at the door, so I let them in, and they leaped up on my lap, and within a few minutes, they were both snoring. I pet them absent-mindedly. My mind was filled with Slade, both in a negative sense and in a positive one. The positive thoughts were of last night. The negative thoughts were of what would happen if he really did plead guilty. I would still try to be with him, of course, going to see him whenever I could. But, knowing him, he would discourage me from continuing with him. He would want me to move on with my life.

  I knew that I couldn’t move on with my life, though. There was just no way. Slade had changed me indelibly. I didn’t think that I could be happy with anyone else.

  The depressing truth, to me, was that, if the worst happened, and Slade went away to prison, I probably wouldn’t try to be with anyone at all. There are some people who are core-shakers – they’re the ones who leave a print on your soul, a firm print that is there for the rest of your life. It’s like putting your hands in wet concrete – in 1000 years, that handprint will still be there. It was the same with the core-shakers. I could live to be 1000 years old, and my soul would still feel bound to Slade’s.

  So, no, if he went away, I wouldn’t just “move on.” I probably would still insist on being with him, even if he was behind bars. I would just have to convince him that I needed to keep seeing him, and I would have to take every chance I got to have conjugal visits.

  I hated to think about this, but I was trying to be realistic. Luke and Dalilah, hopefully, would be able to help me think of a good plan, but if they didn’t, then what? Slade was a stubborn man, and he was determined that he was going to go to prison.

  And, in the back of my mind, I considered something else. What if I managed to intervene with Slade’s guilty plea, and I was able to prove that Malcolm did it? What would be the consequences of that? Would Charlotte make good on her threat to kill me? Would poor Margot end up behind bars? And if Margot went to prison for whatever it was that she did, that Slade was clearly covering for, would Slade ever forgive me? Could I also prove that Charlotte was behind Jordan’s murder?

  This story was becoming ever more complicated, so I was anxious to see my brother and Dalilah and see if the two of us could brainstorm it. If anyone could help me see the solution to all of it, it would be them.

  The hours ticked by, and I drank more and more wine as I sat in my easy chair in the sun room. I loved this room so much. It was filled with plants and flowers and there was one wall that was transparent and let all the sunlight in. My chair in the room was leather and plush and the most comfortable chair I had ever been on. There was nothing that I liked better than to come out here with the dogs and a good book and just relax. A nice bottle of chianti usually added to the experience.

  Around six, I got up to make my food fo
r the three of us. I had long since mastered the art of making vegan cheese that could stand up to the best vegan chefs. So, I made “cheese” enchiladas, where the cheese was actually made out of cashews. This particular dish was my specialty, because I also made a mean verde sauce, and I had even mastered making “sour cream” in the same way that I made the cheese. I was going to serve these enchiladas with a side salad with avocado dressing.

  I was really happy about my cooking ability. When I was younger, and I decided never to eat animals, I was a bit worried about what I would be able to eat. But I soon was able to enroll in cooking classes that focused on veganism, and I was able to find out just how creative and varied the diet could be. Most people had a hard time believing that the cheese I made was actually made from cashews, and they often asked for my recipes. I was more than happy to give them these recipes, of course, but I didn’t know how many people would be successful in recreating them.

  Right at seven, my doorbell was ringing. Bella and Gigi barked anxiously, and I answered the door. Luke, Dalilah and baby Olivia were on my porch with a bottle of wine. I kissed both of them on the cheek and greeted the little baby, who was awake and surprisingly calm. “Come in, come in,” I said. I was feeling slightly tipsy from all the wine I had been drinking.

  They came in and had a seat. The baby started to cry, so Dalilah discreetly put a towel over her breast and fed the beautiful infant. “She’s fussy,” Dalilah said. “I don’t know how my mother did it when I was this young. She was on her own for a little while, because she briefly divorced my father.” Dalilah shook her head. “Luke has been a tremendous help, I’ll tell you that.”

  I smiled. My brother was probably going to be the world’s most perfect husband. He always had been a nice, sensitive sort who had just enough edge to keep him interesting. And he adored his fiancée and daughter so much. That was clear. They really were an amazing couple, and I was so happy for them. After all that they had gone through, they certainly did deserve their happiness.