Temptations - The Complete Series Read online

Page 42

  He kissed me and then pushed me against the wall with some degree of force. He clenched my head with his hands and his lips, so electric and on fire, completely devoured mine. Our tongues were interlocking and he leaned up against me so that I could feel just how hard he was. I already was feeling warm, because of the suit, but his kisses almost burned my skin. The heat in my body was starting to become unbearable.

  Then, when Slade pinched my already-erect nipples, sending tingles of electricity and pain throughout my body, I cried out. He smiled. "You can come," he said. "I won't force you to hold back this time."

  I simply nodded, as he lifted up my arms, high above my head, and secured them with the handcuffs that were attached to the wall. I loved the feeling of being helpless and controlled. I didn't know why I loved that feeling, but I did. It was the biggest turn-on for me that I could have possibly imagined.

  Slade bit and sucked each one of my nipples as his hands wandered down to my netherparts, which were exposed in a cut-out at the bottom. He lightly pinched my clit, sending waves of pleasure and pain that radiated throughout my entire body. Then he smiled and unhooked me from the wall. I didn't quite know what to expect, as I felt unbalanced, but I soon realized what was going on. Slade had another St. Andrew's Cross that was on the floor, and he carried me over to that and lay me down on it. He secured my wrists and my legs to it, so that I was splayed helplessly, my legs spread far apart, my arms above my head.

  I soon realized why he changed his mind about having me secured against the wall. He unzipped his cock, and it sprung free. He straddled my neck and fed me his manhood, inch by inch. My mouth tightened around it, sucking hard. I opened my throat, trying to take him all in, but I knew that was impossible. There was simply too much there. I was game, though, as he gently fed it to me while he groaned in pleasure.

  I licked and sucked hard on his shaft, and I could tell at some point that he was close, so he immediately withdrew it from my mouth. He lay down on top of me and kissed me passionately while he fingered my clit. I felt like I was going to explode because the whole experience was just so sensuous and so right. I loved being confined, and I loved knowing that I had zero control over what was going to happen.

  "This is probably not the right time to ask you," he finally said after he was done kissing me as I lay on the floor. "But what are your hard limits?"

  I smiled. "I'm game for anything but humiliation. That means no golden showers or anything like that. I also don't necessarily enjoy being confined like in a box, although I love to be handcuffed of course.”

  He raised an eyebrow. "And that's it?"

  I nodded. "That's it."

  He kissed me some more and got up and went to his toy box, which was just within reach. "I don't want to get into anything hardcore," he said. He had a jar of something in his hand, and I recognized it as being honey butter that was packed on ice. He put some of that in my inner folds, and, as his fingers caressed and massaged inside of me, I felt like I was already holding back on an orgasm. I tried to hold back on it, though, because it was too soon. Slade was right - when you hold back your orgasms, and you finally are "allowed" to come, it's a powerful sensation, more powerful than anything I had ever experienced in my life.

  But, when his tongue started to lick up this butter, I couldn't hold back any longer. I groaned with pleasure, and the orgasm that was threatening earlier reached its crescendo and started to radiate outward from my netherparts. I gasped, biting my lip, trying to hold back, but I couldn't. I cried out, and Slade immediately put his finger inside of me and swirled it around. He crawled down to where my breasts were and put each one in his mouth while he sheathed his cock and entered me slowly. It was almost painful to receive him at that point, because my clit felt like it was absolutely on fire. He thrust in and out, stroking slowly and deliberately, but picking up speed, so that he was fucking me hard. I swallowed and tried to control my breathing, but it was no use. I burst again, and I felt Slade cock pulsating, so I knew that he did as well.

  He smiled and unhooked me. "This is just a taste my beautiful Serena," he said as he picked me up. "Now let's get to my bed and finish off the night."

  He picked me up and carried me to his bedroom and turned off the lights. For the rest of the night, we made love - kissing, exploring and feeling each other in the night. I don't think that we got a wink of sleep, and that was okay, because sleep wasn't necessary. What was necessary was that we had to make every second count.

  And count it did.

  At some point, though, we were finally sated and both of us got some much-needed rest. Slade was wrapped around me from behind, and I had never felt so satisfied and happy in my entire life.

  Chapter 23

  The next day, I woke up next to Slade in his bed, and found myself saying “our bed” in my head. I felt that he was so much a part of me by then that it was truly “our bed,” and “our house,” even “our dogs.”

  Stop Serena, I thought to myself as I looked at the sleeping Slade. He was sprawled out on his stomach, dead to the world. You have to stop. You don’t know what is going to happen in the future. Start thinking of him as being an integral and indispensable part of your world when you’re more certain on the future. This was an odd thing for me though, to be thinking so deeply about the beautiful dark-haired man next to me in bed. I had never in my life thought of anybody in quite those terms before. I had a difficult time getting close to anybody, for obvious reasons, and now, all that I wanted was for this man to be permanent. The irony was that our future was far from secure, and that there was a real possibility that I was going to have to see him, in the coming years, only during conjugal visits or talking on a phone with him behind a partition and me sitting on a hard metal stool on the other side of the wall.

  I got up to make breakfast, and feed the dogs. I realized that I hadn’t gone for a run in quite a while, because I had been recovering from my attack. My whole body felt the neglect. I missed the endorphins, the feel of crisp air of early morning in my lungs. I felt the need to smell the sea while my legs pounded the sand while the seagulls flew overhead. The entire experience of running in this city was something that I yearned for, and I hadn’t done it in awhile. Yet, I felt that as long as Slade was a free man, he was going to be my focus. Running would only take away from that.

  Again, I was “that girl.” The girl who gives up what she loves so that she could spend time with her man. But, in this case, it was justified. Slade wasn’t necessarily going to be around in another week and a half. I had the California Bar in a matter of days, and I was going to have to find an excuse to possibly fly to New York if Dalilah gave me the word. There was too much going on, and my daily run was suffering for it.

  Slade came into the kitchen as I was making turkey bacon and eggs for him and cereal with flax milk for me. His hair was wild and just slightly askew and he was dressed only in boxer-briefs. This was my favorite look for him – it was almost primal the way that his puffy lips, strong jaw and gorgeous eyes looked in the morning, before he combed his hair and put on clothes. He wrapped his strong arms around me from behind while I stirred around the eggs, and I could feel his hard-on on the small of my back. He put his face in my neck and breathed deeply, not saying a word.

  “Good morning sleepy head,” I said to him. “I’m making breakfast, as you can see. But how you can eat baby chickens is beyond me, not to mention beautiful birds.” I didn’t make him pork bacon, because that was the one thing that I really couldn’t countenance – I loved pigs, and I understood them. I knew how much they suffered. Slade did too, because ending gestation crates for the animals was a passion of his. I remembered that he held a charity ball in his house to address that cause.

  “You’re right. I love animals, and I’m not going to make a joke about loving eating them. I really should become a vegan like you.” At that, he spun me around and planted a kiss full on my lips. “Last night was awesome, as usual.” His hands wandered to the small of my b
ack before resting on my butt. I was backed against the counter before he hoisted me up and I spread my legs.

  “This is so unsanitary,” I teased him, as his head went between my legs. His tongue leisurely found my clit, and his fingers swirled around inside of me. I moaned as he tore off my panties, and pulled down his boxer briefs and entered me.

  “I know it’s unsanitary,” he teased back. “We’re going to have to bleach this counter,” he said with a smile. “But goddamn, you feel amazing right now.” He lifted up my shirt, which, by now, was the only thing that I was wearing, and he sucked on my breasts as he stroked in and out. He kissed me passionately while he was fucking me hard, with my legs spread high in the air. I threw back my head and cried out as he brought me to orgasm, my inner thighs clenched around his taut waist. “I love you, Serena,” he said. “I love you more than I ever thought I could ever love anybody.”

  “I love you too, Slade,” I said as he rapidly stroked in and out. This was so hot, this spontaneous fucking. I loved this almost as much as I loved the more kinky stuff that we had been experiencing with each other. I felt real and raw and powerful.

  He came inside of me, which was fine, as I was taking birth control pills, and I was reasonably certain that we were officially monogamous. He kissed me some more, putting my face in his hands, and I sighed. I jumped down off the counter, and smiled at him while I looked at the eggs, which were getting slightly overcooked. “Now look,” I said. “Breakfast is burned. Guess we’ll have to go out to eat. Darn.”

  Slade just shook his head. “Watch and learn,” he said with a grin. He went to the refrigerator and got out the eggs and put a sauce pan on the stove and filled it with water and a little bit of white vinegar. While he hummed a song, he cracked the eggs into a bowl and waited for the water to start to boil. Once it did, he slid the eggs into the water and set the timer for two minutes. In the meantime, he got out some English Muffins and put them into the toaster. “Let’s see, it looks like you didn’t damage the turkey bacon too much,” he said, as he examined the meat that was cooking on a skillet. Then he went back into the fridge and took out a lemon that he cut it in half, an egg yolk and some butter. I watched as he casually combined these three ingredients into a thick yellow sauce that made my mouth water, in spite of myself.

  In two minutes, the eggs were just slightly cooked and the English Muffins were done. He assembled these onto a plate. “Eggs Benedict,” he said proudly. “One of the first things I learned to cook when I was a small lad.”

  I had to smile. Even if I couldn’t try that food, it looked scrumptious and, for a brief second, I found myself wishing that I wasn’t a vegan. It smelled wonderful too. “You’re quite the cook.”

  My own breakfast consisted of cold cereal with almond milk, strawberries, and orange juice. It looked positively pitiful in comparison to Slade’s beautiful meal, but it couldn’t be helped.

  The two of us went to the sun room and sat down with our food. Slade smiled at me warmly, yet lustily, while we drank our juice and ate. “Man, I’m going to miss this,” he said as he dug into his eggs. “A perfectly cooked egg, freshly squeezed orange juice, and the most beautiful woman the world has ever seen. Not to mention dogs.” Bella and Gigi were at our feet, looking up at us with pathetically cute expressions. Slade reached down and pet them, and their little non-tails started rapidly wagging. “Somehow, I don’t think that I’ll be getting Eggs Benedict and freshly squeezed juice where I’m going.”

  He fed Bella and Gigi a bit of his bacon, and the two dogs eagerly lapped up this morsel.

  “Don’t do that,” I scolded, swatting his hand lightly. “They’re going to get fatter than they already are.”

  “They’re fine. Frenchies aren’t exactly known for their slim frames.”

  True that.

  “So,” I said, taking a deep breath. I was going to ask him what he wanted to do that day, aside from having sex, but I was interrupted by a text -- from Dalilah.

  “So, what?” he asked me. “What were you going to say?”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I was completely distracted by the text, which simply said they can do it. Call me.

  I shook my head, trying to remember what it was I going to ask him. But I couldn’t. All I could think about was Dalilah’s text, and the fact that I was not only going to have to answer her text, but I was going to have to think of an excuse to go home, alone. If Ryan’s security team was going to be able to do what I needed them to do, I was going to have to hightail it to New York City. It was Wednesday, and the Bar was on Saturday, and Slade was scheduled for a guilty plea in exactly one week. There wasn’t a day to waste.

  “I don’t remember. Listen, Slade,” I said. “Yesterday was a lot of fun. All of it. But, if I ever hope to pass the California Bar, and become an attorney here in the Golden State, I need to study. So, after breakfast, I’m so sorry, I have to get on it.”

  Slade’s face immediately fell, and I felt terrible. He looked hurt, a little crushed even. “Okay,” he said, digging into his eggs silently. His mood was definitely solemn, and, in a few minutes, he didn’t look hurt so much as pissed. “No, it’s not okay. You never even mentioned having to study earlier. I had assumed that we would spend as much time as possible together before I…” His voice trailed off and I shook my head.

  How was I going to pull this off? Slade was going to track me, that much was clear. His face said that he was suspicious about why I suddenly was trying to give him the brush-off. He would know where I was, and he would know that I was in New York. Yet, there was no way, no earthly way, that I could ever tell him where I was going. I was just going to have to get up there without my cell phone, which would probably send Slade ballistic.

  It was certainly a dilemma. There wasn’t a way that I could slip out of town without him either knowing or getting pissed because he couldn’t figure out where I was. And he might even start to think the worst – that Charlotte had nabbed me anyhow. No matter, I was going to have to put him off, and get to New York with Dalilah and Luke on Ryan’s plane. I was also going to have to face the music when I got back, and I had no clue what I was going to tell him.

  I had a family emergency? Nope, he would want to know why I didn’t include him.

  I had to get away to some peace and quiet to study? That wouldn’t work – he would want to know why I just didn’t tell him that and why that would necessarily mean that I was away from my phone.

  He was now glaring at me. I tried to smile to show him that everything was okay, but that only made him avert his eyes. “Well,” he finally said, after a silence that permeated the entire house. “I guess you need to be going. Thanks for breakfast.” He threw down his napkin, and, just like that, he got up from the table.

  I followed him into the bedroom, where he was hastily dressing. “Slade, I’m sorry, I would love to spend more time with you, but…”

  “But what? You told me, time and again, that you didn’t really need to study. That you know those topics like the back of your hand. That you passed New York without having to really study, and trust me, New York is one of the toughest in the country. Even tougher than California. I personally think that you have something up your sleeve, and if it’s what I think it is…” He shook his head. “It better not be. That’s all I have to say.”

  I started to feel panic rising in my throat. I should have known that Slade was no dummy and could figure out what I was up to. Then again, maybe he was just being paranoid that I had somebody on the side.

  “Wha-wha-what do you think I’m up to?”

  He said nothing, but just finished dressing. “I’m serious, Serena,” he said, as he stood up. “Back the fuck off. If you don’t, you’re going to send so much bullshit cascading onto your head, you won’t even know what hit you. And trust me, I won’t be able to save you next time.”

  At that, he left the bedroom and I followed him into the living room. He went to the front door. As he left, he shout
ed at me over his shoulder, “Lock up when you leave.” I couldn’t follow him outside because I was still dressed only in my underwear. So, I watched from inside the house as he pulled away and drove off.

  I was shaking as I texted Dalilah back. “Meet me at the airport in 30 minutes,” I texted, and then I got dressed and got the dogs kenneled. I would drop them off at a doggie hotel near the airport, which was only about 20 minutes away.

  She texted me back right away, giving me instructions for how to find her father’s plane.

  I dropped off the dogs, and then headed to Lindbergh Field. The airport was situated just off of downtown San Diego, which I thought was a pretty crazy place for it to be. The planes flew low over the buildings, and I had always heard that it was a dangerous place to land. Still, it was convenient, and ordinarily, I would have been fascinated to see planes landing so close to the street. But I wasn’t thinking about that. I was thinking about how Slade seemed to know what I was doing, and how pissed he was. Was this going to be the end of us? If Charlotte made good on her threat, would his mother go to prison? Would I be the target of a mafia hit?

  My hands were absolutely shaking on the steering wheel. I felt a well of panic rise and fall steadily. I knew that I was doing the right thing, but at what price? I was going to be unleashing the fury in a very unhinged woman who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.

  I didn’t have my cell phone. I couldn’t bring it, obviously, because Slade would definitely be tracking me and he would know just where I was. I guessed I really shouldn’t have been too concerned, because he already knew what I was up to, but I didn’t want to take the chance that I would have to wait on Dalilah and Luke, and Slade would show up at the airport and raise a stink.